Getting started is easy at Simply obtain your specific book information, such as ISBN, from your course syllabus or call your instructor. Call instructors as soon as you have registered
to ask which books they will be using. You can also get the information from your school bookstore straight from the book itself.
The best method to search for textbooks on our site is by ISBN (International Standard Book Number), see example below. It’s the 10 or 13 character number typically displayed on the back, outside cover of the text.
If searching for multiple books, please separate ISBN numbers with commas.
Searching by ISBN is by far the most accurate method, but if you are unsure of your ISBN, you may also search by Keyword, Author, or Title.
Begin your textbook search by keying your information into one of the four search methods at the top. We have put together some great Search Tips to
make your online shopping experience at simple and stress-free.
We strive to make your textbook purchasing experience smooth and efficient. Our textbooks in our distribution center are ready to ship as soon as we receive your order. Our inventory is updated continuously throughout
the day in real-time, so if you do not find what you are searching for, try again very soon.
Orders placed after 2 P.M. CST will be shipped the following business day. However, we will do everything we can to get your shipment processed and shipped that day.